Sunday, December 29, 2013

"Whether we recognize it or not, the Spirit helps us in every one of our righteous actions" (Sam)

December 14, 2013
Thanks for sending your emails early so I could read them before we left for the concert.

Wow mom, what an incredible story. Really! I love how close our membership in the gospel keeps us to the spirit. You working in the temple friday instead of wednesday, the man speaking to you in the temple, you feeling the need to help…., the conversation you had, and the final outcome (not necessarily the initial outcome) of your desires to help, I´m sure were all promptings or facilitated by the spirit. One thing Elder Castillo, who I talk about a lot, I know, has taught me in my time in the office is that whether we recognized the spirit's help or not, he helps us in every one of our righteous actions. There are no coincidences when you desire goodness.

I still don´t know where I´m going... :\ And to be honest, I don´t even know if its been decided yet. About a week ago, I missionary fell playing soccer and separated his shoulder from his collar bone in a city called Alicante, close to Alcoy. When we heard about that I thought for sure i was going to go there cuz the missionary had to have surgery and all this stuff. Elder Keller, one of President´s APs thought the same thing but the other day told me that after talking a little with President I wouldn´t be going there. I think that missionary will stay in his area and can keep working as he recuperates. Then, I talked with Elder Keller again the next day and he goes.. Hey I know where you´re going! I can´t tell you where but you´re going to love it!................. D: haha ..... Then Sister Deere yesterday was saying that she wasn´t even sure if the decision had been made, and then last night I saw president and said, "You and I will taaaalk.... hmm.. tomorrow. Is that ok??" And I put on my happy-no-problem-whenever-you-get-a-chance face. :P I think we´ll talk today sometime before or after the concert in Granada.

I did have a baptism two weeks ago. Last week I forgot to send the picture. I´ll attach it. Her name is M and Elder Núñez and I taught her over a year ago in Málaga. She was almost baptized the day D and R (the couple she lives with) was baptized but backed out right before. That´s when Elder Núñez and I both got new comps and then soon after she moved back to Ecuador. I think she was there for a while.. like 5 or 6 months, and then she came back. The missionaries tried to teach her for a while but couldn´t connect. Then a companionship thats in málaga right now really got to her and she started coming again. The missionaries called me on like tuesday or wednesday and I baptized her that saturday. It was aaawesome to see her again! She was just glowing and ready! Tender mercies.

The Christmas Concert! We´re super excited. The songs are coming together really well and I think there will be like 40 missionaries in it. It doesn´t start till like 7 tonight but we´re leaving malaga in a bus and a couple other vehicles today at 1 so we can get there well early and rehearse with the whole group together. Jess and her husband Ryan Toolson won´t be going. :\ this concert is a big thing in Granada which is like 2 hours from malaga.. so no one aroung here really knows anything about it.. just members and people in granada. I don´t know if anyone´s going to record it but I´ll find out and try to make it happen if no one´s doing it yet. I want a recording of it too but I can´t promise anything.

I haven´t gotten the packages yet but they´ll get here. I don´t think one has been lost yet. *knock on wood*

 Love you all!


Élder Norton
 Photos of the Christmas concert in Grenada

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