Saturday, August 24, 2013

"So trusting my all to thy tender care, And knowing thou lovest me, I'll do thy will with a heart sincere: I'll be what you want me to be." (Hilary)

Hi everyone! 
Thanks for writing!

I love hearing from my family! It is the greatest part of p-day. I love the pictures you all send. I can't believe how much Sienna is growing!! She looks a lot like Caden and Branson, right? She is so adorable.  I also loved the snapshot. It looks like Mom enjoyed St. George. I hope Adam is doing well and enjoying his summer. I can hardly believe he is fourteen. That amazes me. I also love hearing from my dad. I love him so so much. Thanks to everyone. Sorry I don't respond specifically to each and every comment/question. I hope you all have had a great week.
Our week went well. It has been a challenge working in two sectors but I have felt like we have been able to balance things out okay and we will do much better this week. This week we will spend Monday and Thursday in Cumbayá, Tuesday and Friday doing splits in Pusuqui and Prados (we tried to do divisions last week with these companionships but they told us they wouldn't be able to) and Wednesday and Saturday in Iñaquito. Each one of our investigators has been running into different types of opposition, which is always to be expected. I feel that as I learn principles such as faith, patience, and hope, Heavenly Father always tests me on what I learned to see if I am willing to put it into practice. I am doing my best recognizing my weaknesses so that I can improve. CA is doing really well and so is Ce. A. The rest are also doing well, but progressing slowly. We continue to meditate, pray, and fast for each and everyone of them to be able to know how to help.

President Richardson the other day challenged us to all to read the Book of Mormon as a mission. He gave us all a new copy of the book that we are marking specific parts in specific colors. I am enjoying it, and, just like every other time I read it, I am learning something new every day. Recently I have been keeping track of a few of the scriptures I have found that remind me about how if I have faith and do my part, Heavenly Father will always fulfill His promises (Moroni 7:26, D&C 11:8). I liked 1 Nephi 15:11 because it reminded me of that theme that I had been studying. I am so grateful for the Lord's willingness to help us all in our important searches. And I received the talk from Mom today in Pouch that said, 
"The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life." (Sister Julie B. Beck, April 2010) 
I loved that and remembered that here in the mission I have learned to recognize more the Spirit in my life and I am learning to be more obedient to be able to deserve his companionship and guidance. The gift of the Holy Ghost is something I value greatly.
My companions are great. We are having fun and laughing a lot. They are hilarious.

Thank you so much for helping out and sending the money for a new camera. I just bought a really good one and did a lot of searching and got it at the best price. I am so grateful for you all. 

We have been working hard and I know the Lord is blessing us and will continue to bless us according to our efforts.

Hermana Norton
The following are the words to one of the hymns that has become really important for me during the mission. They're in Spanish, but I love it like this and I hope ya'll can translate it.

Quizás no tenga yo que cruzar
montañas ni ancho mar;
quizás no sea a lucha cruel
que Cristo me quiera enviar.
Mas si Él me llama a sendas que
yo nunca caminé,
confiando en Él, le diré: Señor,
a donde me mandes, iré.

A donde me mandes iré, Señor,
a montañas o islas del mar.
Diré lo que quieras que diga, Señor,
y lo que Tú quieras, seré.

Habrá palabras de fe y paz
que me mande el Señor decir;
yo sé que en sendas de la maldad
hay seres que redimir.
Señor, si Tu quieres mi guía ser,
la senda seguiré;
Tu bello mensaje podré anunciar,
y lo que me mandes diré.

A donde me mandes iré, Señor,
a montañas o islas del mar.
Diré lo que quieras que diga, Señor,
y lo que Tú quieras, seré.

Habrá quizás algún lugar,
en viñas de mi Señor,
en donde pueda con fe servir
a Cristo mi Salvador.
Y siempre confiando en Su bondad,
Sus dones recibiré.
Alegre, haré Su voluntad,
y lo que me mande, seré.

A donde me mandes iré, Señor,
a montañas o islas del mar.
Diré lo que quieras que diga, Señor,
y lo que Tú quieras, seré.

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